Saturday, 17 July 2010

A little 'Hello'

I thought I'd start this retrospectively with a picture of Amsterdam I took in April. Ah! The weather was clearly better than the nasty Summer here. 

Let's hope the Summer big trip will be better still, as staying in this country is, as ever, NOT AN OPTION. 


Posted via email from Rocketman's posterous

Friday, 18 June 2010

Secret Bruxelles, part 1

I have visited Brussels/Bruxelles/Brussel so many times now it seems odd that I haven't written anything about it before now.

Take the Metro to Ste Catherine/St Katelijne and as you ascend the stairs into the sunlight check which direction you're facing. Take a moment to enjoy this place, with it's cobbles and fish restaurants.

Turn your back to the huge church and walk down the square towards the pond. It is a lovely piece of reflective architecture, but that's not what you're here to see. Go past it and cross the road at the end.

Here, at the end of a small children's park is a wonderful statue dedicated to a much maligned creature - the humble pigeon. Now, I have never been able to hide my love of pigeons. Not in a Stan Ogden coup in the back yard fashion. I love their Barry White mating dance. I love that their idea of foreplay is the same as a human male, circa 1977.

This pigeon was very important though. He is the Pigeon Soldat - soldier pigeon, and he represents the messenger pigeons used during World War One and Two.

Pigeon, I salute you.