Take the Metro to Ste Catherine/St Katelijne and as you ascend the stairs into the sunlight check which direction you're facing. Take a moment to enjoy this place, with it's cobbles and fish restaurants.
Turn your back to the huge church and walk down the square towards the pond. It is a lovely piece of reflective architecture, but that's not what you're here to see. Go past it and cross the road at the end.
Here, at the end of a small children's park is a wonderful statue dedicated to a much maligned creature - the humble pigeon. Now, I have never been able to hide my love of pigeons. Not in a Stan Ogden coup in the back yard fashion. I love their Barry White mating dance. I love that their idea of foreplay is the same as a human male, circa 1977.
This pigeon was very important though. He is the Pigeon Soldat - soldier pigeon, and he represents the messenger pigeons used during World War One and Two.
Pigeon, I salute you.